So, I had heard of this book for a while now-
The Fifth Man-as I've seen it in Christian books stores and whatnot.
Well, about 3 weeks ago I found the book at a bookstore (go figure, huh) for $1.99 and thought, "Meh, I can shell that out to see if its any good..."
I finally picked it up last and started it at about midnight and couldn't put it down until 8 in the morning. I slept then till about 1 or 2 pm and resumed reading the book until i finished at about 3 pm today.
This book is absolutely incredible; the science in it is amazing (both the authors are Ph.D's, one in biotechnology and the other in theoretical physics...and they're still amazing writers, not boring or dry at all) , the story is captivating and the characters engaging.
This book is incredibly suspenseful and even, at times, frightening.
Anyways, i recommend it to anyone who ejoys any kind of literature.
ps- the book definitely shares commonalities with the sci-fi genre as well as it is slightly futuristic and takes place in space.