Post by Daae on Jun 7, 2006 11:12:53 GMT -5
You say "Nergh"? Oh man, Daae, please restrain yourself. Twyrch should delete your post. I know, I'm such a potty mouth. I need to be washed out with soap or something.
Post by dafyd on Jun 26, 2006 6:23:14 GMT -5
Though I am not very polite and my standard of etiquette isn't very high I have to agree. I am very sad that in our region and especially in the school swearing is normal and informal speech and there are not many guys except me don't swearing always. Also smoking is a big problem at all schools here. The only thing I and a few others can do is pray for a better handling and show the others how to do it. I am really shocked cause we have teachers(!!!!) swearing often. I also have to say that sometimes I swear too . Especially when someone or something is getting me really off(for example my maths teacher). But I try to let it be(not often succesful). I hope you understand all I write and excuse my not as bad as I thought English. Greets, Joel.
Post by dreamer on Jun 26, 2006 8:25:54 GMT -5
If that's bad English, dayfd, you should see our German!! (I have a son named Joel! --- such a cool name!)
Post by dafyd on Jun 26, 2006 8:31:55 GMT -5
Thank you, Dreamer . I hope my English will be good enough to read Grail.
Post by Margim on Jun 29, 2006 9:29:20 GMT -5
Personally, swearing is pretty low down my list of things that turn me off. Aside from smoking, I find child sacrifice, regicide, kicking puppies and sneezing without covering ones mouth to be much worse offenses. Spitting (unless one's swallowed a bug or a mouthful of dirt), yodelling, nose picking, ivory hunting and invading sovereign nations are also distasteful. Add most crimes to that list, a lack of care for disadvantaged people, and especially those wierdos who put stuff in your drink when you visit Indonesia, make you fall asleep, and when you wake you are in a bath of ice missing one or two vital organs...
Swearing I can handle.
Post by dgan on Jun 30, 2006 1:10:04 GMT -5
ROFL! Good to have you back, Margim. I miss your unique way of putting things into perspective.
Post by Jenna on Jun 30, 2006 22:16:20 GMT -5
I usually only end up swearing if I stub my toe or hurt something, lol and with my kids around it never goes beyond " Son of a ...". It ends there, although I do slip now and then if I am REALLY angry, and that is rare.
Post by Tegid on Jul 1, 2006 0:23:41 GMT -5
margim, I appreciate what you had to say about things that qualify as offensive to you. And, as dgan pointed out, you said it well and in your own inimitable style!
One thing I'd like to note is that the Author of the Decalogue agrees with you in finding so many of the things in your list as "turn-offs" to Him. He also apparently finds taking His name in vain as offensive enough to Him that He included it in His own list.
Post by Daae on Jul 1, 2006 22:11:44 GMT -5
When you horse has a meltdown and smashes your foot is, in my opinion, and acceptable time for swearing. Or at least very angry and pained muttering. Anyone who has had their foot mashed by a 1200 pound animal will understand. It's hard for anyone to keep their cool when a very large, very scared horse is standing on them.
Post by Jenna on Jul 3, 2006 18:58:39 GMT -5
I've been bit in the thigh by a pony, almost as bad as getting your foot stepped on by said horse...had a bruise for weeks...and he was only playing! Sheesh!